Friday, March 9, 2007

three things i love

what a lovely idea miss melissa had of putting three lovely photos when she blogs.

we have just had a busy week with a family wedding and my parents moving in with us(and bringing their BIG dog)for 8 days so they could offer their house to a cousin and her family.

the wedding was lovely and my cousins daughter was the flower girl.although it was a wet,soggy day for a garden wedding,the sun came out just as the bride started to walk down the isle(cobble stone path)
i absolutely love thunderstorms and now that i have a half decent camera i will be able to attempt photographing the lightning but nothing will ever come close to this shot a friends brother took of a recent thunderstorm in hobart.of course as i am so computer illiterate the thunderstorm is at the top of the page but i am so envious of this shot.

last but by no means least...every flower girl should have a litttle brother like this.owen is an absolute crack up and kept me amused for hours.he is such a boy with his bruise and stick.i couldn't resist taking heaps of photos of him.his picture of course is above the thunderstorm(where else would it go).so if anyone has any suggestions for fixing this please let me know.
bye for now